About the project

‘Seen in a long-term historical perspective, city space has always served three vital functions – meeting place, marketplace and connection place. According to the UN, the world population is increasingly moving from rural to urban centers. The best way to promote successful and sustainable regeneration, conservation and place-making is to think about urban design from the start of the planning and development process.

An architect or an urban planner plays an important role in developing plans and programs for the use of land understanding underlying social, geographical, cultural, economic, and other such aspects. They use planning to create communities, accommodate growth, or revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.


User Research, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Prototyping & Testing

9 Weeks


The Problem

State of Architect and Urban Planners

They often find themselves in a complex situation where they have to deal with different design parameters, authorities, and data simultaneously. They spend a lot of time in pre-design stage as compared to design and post-design.

Correlating rules, research & design at every stage

It becomes difficult for architects to find out correlations, dependencies, and analyze concerning the bylaws of that region in such a short period.

To much to explore in such a short time

Planning solutions due to lack of time and budget while exploring, experimenting, iterating, and analyzing large scale projects becomes a huge task.

 The Goal

Architects are masters, they need an assistive tool to evaluate impacts and correlations between multiple parameters. It is very crucial to have a holistic understanding of a project. Make informed decisions and comparisons between options and dimensions. They need a tool to optimize discovery and concentrate on their area of expertise.

Design Brief

Simplify, assist, and accelerate the design process for urban planners and architects such that they are more productive as well as collaborative in developing and designing cities of the future.

 Will Artificial Intelligence help us become 

better Architects?

 Proposed Process


With AI’s ability to process and analyse the limitless amount of data, an architect could very easily focus on researching and testing several concepts & ideas at the same time with ease.

Data Collection

• Add data on existing context and surveys
• Use preset generated in past or make a new data set
• GIS mapped data files
• CAD coordinate data files

Design Constraints

• Add design constraints as per design by laws and regulations
• Site limitations, Building constraints, Development Zones
• Building height limits, Setbacks
• Building Areas/ FSI
• Zoning Area %

Layout Insights

• Explore iterations (3D Models & Visualisation Graphs)
• Sort by design preferences
• Share with team
• Area ratings and performance

Layout Compare

• Feasibility Studies - Compare iterations
• Layout overlay
• Highlights and areas of concern

Modify Reorganise

Adaptive Reorganise
• Landuse refine
• Road layouts
• Zonning
• Impact Study
• Edit parameters
• Change Constraints
• Tools to draw, add, subtract, measure modify adaptively
• Comment and share

Environmental Analysis

• Parametric Analysis
• Visual styles
• Real time analysis

Impact Analysis & Share

• Impact on adjacent sites and proposed infrastructure in and around
• Real time effects

Analysis Reports
• Data Visualise 2D/3D
• Architectural drawings

 Overall Interface Elements

Urban Planning 08-Jun-2020-172449.gif

 Try prototype



Secondary Research

What is Urban Planning?

Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and design of land use and the built environment of urban areas

3 Scales of urban planning



• City
• Town


• District
• Corridor


• Street
• Building

Built Environments & Land Use


Urban Design weaves together above elements into a coherent, organised designed structure


Target Audience

The target audience in the design phase are the architects and urban planners. Government authorities, real estate developers, engineers, data scientists, and local communities will also participate in the process of planning.


Urban planners


 Current tools used in Architecture & Planning


Current Tools Limitations

Different softwares are used for different task


Design analysis requires special softwares and modification to the main model

Manually Data entry, gathering and cleaning the data


Some Software need experts and professionals

Making changes to the design is doing the job again


Some plugins required knowledge of algorithms

 “Data is the most basic level; Information adds context; Knowledge adds how to use it; Wisdom adds when and why to use it.”

Gu Jifaa, Zhang Lingling, 2014

 Standard Urban Planning Process

Legal framework, strategy of urban planning process, organisations and actors

Focus Area


Secondary Research Insights


Loss of data in pre design

Analysing data in feasibility phase is inefficient


Inefficient design consideration

Lack holistic approach to address research data & its integration in planning

Time constrains

Impractical project time lines and budget



Unorganised city planning to keep up with the ever-increasing demands

Complex visualisation

The proposals are not self-explanatory to the community



Miscommunication between the designer, locals, and the government

 Primary Research

15 Architects and 12 Urban planner participated in Focus group interviews

Aim -To Understand the current design process, methods and pain points. Design considerations and needs. How the data is collected and synthesised. How planners develop, propose and communicate.

Where to get the data ?

1. Urban Planning Departments
• GIS coordinator/expert
• Cartographer
• Surveyor
2. Census Dept.
3. NGO
4. Collector Dept.
5. Ward Offices

How is data provided?

The most common general sources for spatial data are:
hard copy maps PDF/images and excel files.
• Aerial photographs
• Remotely-sensed imagery
• Point data
• Samples from surveys
• Existing digital data files

Which softwares/Methods are used?

Softwares used in collecting unstructured data and mapping the structured data

1. Softwares
• Computer Aided Design CAD
• Geographic Information System GIS
• Excel .xls files
• Adobe Suite

2. Instruments
• Remotely-sensed imagery
• Survey Instruments

 Data Sample from Development Plan (DP) of Greater Mumbai

Maps with information (Development Plan-Greater Mumbai)


Data Collection Insights


Different offices have different file formats

A CAD file or a GIS file can be requested for Development plan remarks of small plots

Basic surveys are carried out for smaller plots on with special permissions

Primary Research Insights

Finding dependencies

The survey data is updated manually and cannot be linked with any other data


Communication gap

Collaborating within the design team is an issue as each one is working on a different task

Missing dependencies

Planners its difficult to
weave together these elements into a coherent, organized design structure


Doing the job again

Making changes to design in a later phase impact may parameters and revising all related drawing and analysis is very time consuming

Juggling between softwares

Different software is used to carry out various tasks, building models and analysis


Visual clutter

Visualising the analysis reports for the government authorities and local people to understand takes time




Project Scope


Pre Design

A tool to optimise discovery, evaluate impacts, and correlations between multiple parameters. It is very essential to have a holistic understanding of a project. Make informed decisions and comparisons between options and dimensions.

During Design

An adaptive modification process exploring, experimenting, iterating, analysing and resolving problems at a very initial stage. Improve team collaboration. Real-time visualise environmental impacts.

Post Design

Visualising and collaborating with concerned experts, authorities, and local communities. Future growth, possibilities, and its impact on existing and proposed infrastructure and community.

 Proposed Process

proposed process.png


Scott an architect and urban planner is leading the team of architects working on a proposed masterplan project in the city of Mumbai at the harbour port near the proposed sea link.

1) He has the data provided by the surveyors and from the Municipal corporation.

2) He has a thorough understanding of the site, rules, and regulations as well as constraints to follow for that particular site.

He has limited time on this fast track project and a small team to work on this project. His aim is to come up with as many possible design options and analyse them thus making informed decisions at the very beginning of the project. Discussing inputs from locals and authorities.





Explore Iterations




Analysis & Share



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 Usability Test Observations

  • Satisfaction with the project information flow and process

  • Concerns about pre design data changes and additions

  • Combination of two or more layouts can be an option

  • Addition information and parameters required on screen related to a task

  • Integration of view only mode

  • Report analysis template customisation

  • Need projection for collaboration in office space

  • Integration with other softwares and render engines if required


Le Corbusier Documentary - The century of Le Corbusier

City Planning Technology Invented by MIT - CityScope Mark II
Tangible Interactive Matrix for Real-time Computation and 3D Projection Mapping
Tactile Matrix SDK (Alpha 1.0) - https://ira.mit.edu/sdk
Basic Operation and Troubleshooting - https://ira.mit.edu/quickstart
Login Mumbai - Digital inclusive by UDRI


AI in UX
