Interactive Experiments

Collection of Art installations, Mixed-media & Storytelling.


An animated robotics motion with a life-like spectrum bringing emotive behaviour into the physical dimension. An object with motion having living qualities such as sentiments, emotions, and awareness that reveals complex inner state, expressions and behavioural patterns.

 He is excited to peak outside the box and explore around the surroundings but as soon as he sees a person nearby he panics and hides back in the box as if he is shy or feels unsafe. He doesn’t like attention but enjoys staring at others.

Installation Exhibited At:

  • Centre for Emerging Artist & Designers, Toronto

  • Open Show, Graduate Gallery OCAD University, Toronto

Hover Beat

Hover Beat is an interactive musical instrument that is played without touch or physical contact installed in a controlled environment with a constant light source. The project aims to explore interactions with a strong conceptual and aesthetic relationship between the physical interface and the events that happen in the form of audio output.

School - OCAD University, Toronto

Silent Signals

Breaking the Language Barrier with Technology

Silent Signals breaks down language barriers by enabling users to use simple gestures to send text messages in the language of the intended recipient(s) over PubNub API. Based on poseNet ml5.js technologies, it is intended to be a seamless interaction where users’ bodies become controllers and triggers for the messages. It does away with they keyboard as an input and takes communication into the physical realm, engaging humans in embodied interactions. 

School - OCAD University, Toronto


Eggxercise is a hybrid digital and physical version of the traditional egg-and-spoon race where participants balance an egg on a spoon while racing to a finish line. It replaces the typical raw egg used in the classic version with a digital egg on a mobile screen. If the egg touches the side of the screen, it breaks, displaying the contents of a cracked egg with the message “Game over”.

School - OCAD University, Toronto

The Great Indian Head Wobble

Each country in the world has its own typical style of body language. A certain gesture in one country may give off a completely different meaning in another country. The study concluded that even though there is no fixed meaning to any headshake gesture to communicate still the message is conveyed to the other person with the help of facial expressions and actions.

School - OCAD University, Toronto


The word emotion is derived from the Latin word: “emovere” meaning to move, move out or move through. The roots for motion and emotion are virtually identical. Emotions are not just an idea in your head, they are physically embodied. So, the way you feel affects your body language and the way you present urself.
The film is an attempt to show conversations without words. It's expressing feeling through the flickering of lights and supported by sound in the background. A flicker of feelings, uncertainty, excitement, and sadness.


The Installation’s main aim is to encourage interactions with the virtual environment simply using your body as a means of interaction. Making engagement with the installations as intuitive as possible.



